Touching a Child’s Heart…

The life begins with a crying. Millions of babies are born everyday by doing that. While they are crying, one hand touches to the tan of the baby during the operation. However, the child does not know about the real touching yet. The real one belongs to an angel, called as a ‘mother.’ After the first meeting, sucking starts and it opens a door to the life-long journey.

There have been some steps during the life-long journey. The child cannot run before walking or say mother before agua. Almost three years, the child experiences so many difficulties in his\her life.Then, during the early childhood (3-6 years), the children getting know to the world more and more. They must express themselves to the adults. They need to be understood by the parents. Moreover, they should get acquainted with some others. Not only a mother-father touches to the heart of a child, but also some newcomers are welcomed: teachers.

Teachers are the first strangers in the world of the child outside.

In this case, the firs strangers should serve the kids a smooth transition between home and school. We, as teachers, should ask some questions to ourselves before welcoming the kids into the classroom. I am, specifically, trying to seek the answers of these two;

Am I behaving the children in an intimacy way? (But the real one!)
Am I giving the kids a sense of security as of the first day of school?
Why am I supposed to think of the two questions?

Since I really give importance to touching a child’s heart, then going up to his\her mind and filling the soul with unforgettable experiences. Otherwise; it is not so possible to be able to educate the young learners, not by making sure about all the answers given by the teachers.

If we want the children to be equipped with best educational backgrounds, we have to think twice about their emotional desires. If they are OK with bonds created among teachers and classroom members, we might get ready for going through educational adventures!

Okul Öncesi Öğretmeni Kalemi’nden

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Biz Kimiz?

Çocuklarımızı, bir bütün olarak gören, onların bütün kabiliyet ve becerilerini keşfetmeye ve geliştirmeye talip olan kaşifleriz.
Çocuk ruhunun engin ikliminde seyahat etmeye, onlarla birlikte gülmeye, eğlenmeye, düşünmeye, keşfetmeye meraklı gezginleriz.
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